Saturday, May 1, 2010

Last Week of P90X!!!

1 more P90X workout left!!!  I'll try to post some pics soon but the results are awesome.  Weight now 153 down from 183 at start. (30 pounds lost in a little over 3 months) & last I checked lost 5 and a half inches off stomach.  Created a new workout schedule for the Gym & will mix in some P90X as well.  P90X is an awesome home workout but The Paleo Diet was the major factor in my weight loss.  Not only did the Paleo Diet help me physically but mentally as well.  Working night shift (for the last 20 years) you never get totally used to it.  I usually only get 4 to 5 hours sleep a day during those 3 nights so I needed those Mountain Dews to stay awake (At least thats what I thought).  Now after 4 months Paleo...I feel I have so much more energy even without any Sugar/HFCS.  I'll admit during a couple sporting events I had a few too many beers or ate a hoagie or hot dog,  but that just makes me go even more Primal!!!  Luckily with my shortened work schedule I have plenty of time to buy and prepare the fresh foods that are required.  some recent meals:
King Crab legs, Haddock, Bison Chilli, whole Turkey, Steak & (Free Range) Chicken Kabobs...on my new Grill & even tried Oysters for the 1st time (Awesome) along with tons of fresh fruits & Veggiies.  Just bought some GHEE to replace butter and added sweet potatoes back to my menu per Mark Sisson.  Trying to illiminate Cereal so I've been cooking Eggs & Bacon the last couple days.  The Egg protein was giving me stomach aches so back to Whey (Any Suggestions).
Tried a Paleo approved snack bar (Larabar) which is awesome.  Check out Nell Stephenson's Blog.
  Went to a Salad Creations  and it always amazes me at how these places seem to make a healthy salad so un-healthy!!!  Average salad with dressing about 700 calories & 1500 mg sodium or how about a buffalo chicken wrap 1000 calories & 2800 mg sodium.  I grabbed the Jr Heart lovers (150 cal & 60 mg Sodium) & turned down the roll. Luckily I found a water in the tub mixed with tons of sodas  and Iced Teas.
Chicken & Steak Kabobs
My new TREK Bike at Valley Forge Park.

Bison Chili


  1. Hey Greg....I just stumbled across ur blog about doing p90x. i just started the program on may 3rd and i like to read or see other ppls progress to keep me motivated. I think i wanna try this Paleo diet...looks good. u shud post some pictures and great job on the weight loss.

  2. Thats Great Jon...The combo of P90X and Paleo diet work awesome together...It's very similar to the meals that P90X requests. Don't try to go 100% Paleo right away...take small steps by 1st cutting out all sodas and High Frucose Corn Syrup...Cut down on Grains (Breads & Cereal) as mush as you can and eat plenty of meats, Fish, Eggs, Fruits and Vegetables. Get that book The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. Good Luck on P90x!!!...there is also great support with others on I'll try to throw some before & after photos soon. Let me know if you need any more info or advice.
